DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) is a standard for storing, processing, and transmitting medical images and related information.
If you come from a background of computer science/machine learning and are new to medical imaging, working with medical imaging datasets can be confusing. I know I was confused by the idiosyncrasies of medical imaging datasets when I first encountered them. This blog is a light introduction into DICOM for data scientists/computer vision engineers.
Here is a link to the GitHub repository with data and code that accompanies this blog.
What is DICOM?
DICOM is a standard that defines how medical imaging information can be stored and communicated. The DICOM standard enables integration and interoperability between various systems like storage and image acquisition devices. Just like we expect to be able to share, open and interact with PNG files no matter what system they were generated on, DICOM allows you to interact with complex imaging data irrespective of the equipment used to generate the image or the system used to store the image.
At a high level, DICOM has two important components — a data storage format, and a list of services.
- The DICOM File Format. The format defines the way images and corresponding information is stored. For example, a CT scan and the ID of the device that generated the scan.
- DIMSE/DICOM web services. DICOM defines several services governing the storage and communication of data over a network - for example, storage, query, retrieve, etc.
DICOM Information Model
The standard defines a hierarchy within which information is stored and organized. The highest level object in a DICOM dataset is the patient. Within the patient there can be multiple studies, which are single scan sessions. Each scan session can have multiple individual scans called series. Each study has instances that can represent a single or multi-frame scan, along with other relevant medical information stored in the data elements

In DICOM speak, a real world object like a CT scan is called an Information Object Definition (IOD). The IOD specifies the data elements within the DICOM instance — the data elements store useful information about the image, patient, and one data element stores the actual pixel data of the scan. Here is a link to the Computed Tomography (CT) IOD.

- Every data element is uniquely identified by the data element tag which is a hexadecimal number.
- The elements contain an optional value representation which is basically the data type of the element e.g. Unsigned Long (UL), Short String (SH) etc.
- The value length depends on VR and specifies the length of the value.
- The value field contains the actual value of the data element.
While working with DICOM datasets, it’s extremely important to refer to the standard to understand what information is stored within each data element and which ones are required so you can rely on them for your analysis. The Usage column will define each entry as either Mandatory or User defined i.e. optional.

Exploring a DICOM Dataset
Let’s have a look at all these concepts in play with real DICOM datasets. If you’re lucky and your DICOM dataset is stored as per the DICOM information model hierarchy, you will be able to navigate the dataset in your file system.

The screenshot above shows the brain tumor regression dataset, structured with the top level folder as a patient, within which there are multiple studies, within which there are various series, and finally instances.
Let’s have a look at another dataset, found in the Harvard Dataverse. If you look at the image below, you’ll see several hundred dcm files comprising of multiple series within a single patient folder.

In scenarios like these, we’ll have to resort to the DICOM data elements to actually make sense of the dataset. We can read in the files from the directory to see that there are a total of 427 instances.

We can print out a single instance to have a look at all the data elements. You’ll see all the required data elements defined in the CT IOD in the DICOM standard.

We can specifically print out some of the useful elements that will help us organize this dataset.

The code snippet above uses the hexadecimal tag’s of Study ID and Series Instance UID which can be found in the DICOM standard. We can now parse the DICOM instance object and print both data elements. Note that the Series Instance UID is stored as a Unique Identifier (UI), while the Study ID is stored as a Short String (SH).
Let’s iterate through our list of instances to sort the dataset by study and series.

From the analysis, we can see there is a single study 93725 and 6 different series within this study. We can now use this object to store the dataset as per the correct hierarchy.
DICOM Pixel Data
The Pixel data element stores the actual image pixel data of the scan in compressed JPEG format. You can see the type of compression used within the Photometric Interpretation data element.

If we print out the value of the Pixel Data attribute, you will see a dump of compressed image data. However, the pydicom library provides a handy function that extracts a NumPy pixel array from the Pixel Data data element for us.

From the code snippet above you should be able to see that the instance is a 320 x 260 single channel image. But hold… the pixel values range between [0, 1804]?
Hounsfield Units
This is because the CT pixel data is stored as Hounsfied Units. Hounsfield Units are a measure of radiodensity i.e. they measure how easily a radiowave can penetrate a particular material.
Here are some materials and their values on the Hounsfield scale:
- Air =-1000
- Water = 0
- 300 < Bone < 1900
- 100 < Soft tissue < 300
Visualizing the image and a histogram of the pixel values side by side gives us a good understanding of the distribution of pixels — with most being around 0, and then peaks around 400 and 800, which makes sense as our bodies are mostly water, tissue, and bone.

To visualize and store the Hounsfield Units as Grayscale images, we have to map the HU values to Grayscale values — this is often done along with a windowing operation.
Typically, the pixel data will range from -1500 HU to +1500 HU, which is a range of 3000 HU. Displaying this as 3000 shades of gray on a regular screen is impossible, as most screens support only 256 shades of gray — this is where windowing comes in.
Windowing selects a range of HU values and maps those between [0, 255] allowing for higher resolution. Say you were interested in visualizing the bone structures in a CT scan, if you were to map the HU (let’s say ranging from [0, 1800]) to 256 grayscale values, one shade of gray would have resolution of 1800/256 ~ 7 HU.
Alternatively, we can map only values between [500, 1900] to 256 grayscale values, and now we have a better resolution of ~5 HU. Everything above 1900 HU will appear white in the image, and everything below 500 will appear black.
To accomplish this we can define two values:
- Window Center: The center point in HU of your windowing range
- Window Width: The range of HU values to include in the windowed image.

Now, in code.

There you go! A windowed slice of a brain CT scan.
- The DICOM Standard — https://www.dicomstandard.org/current
- Brain tumor regression dataset — https://www.kaggle.com/sosonger/tumor-regression/data?select=Brain-Tumor-Progression
- Harvard Dataverse COVID Chest dataset — https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/6ACUZJ